A new wave anime boy greets you: "Welcome, traveler"


I'm Wesley, a trans zinester, artist, and occultist from Salem, Mass. I am a champion of small press, radical creativity, and free and accessible information.

Twenty Two Zines is my zine project/distro where I share zines about love, life, and the occult. They're made by me and sometimes other people.


What's a zine?   A zine (pronounced like "magazine") is a small press publication made by wizards. Basically it's a scrappy, punky booklet with secret and magic contents that are too cool for mainstream publication.

How does shipping work?  I usually ship once a week on Mondays. If it's close to a holiday or something, I might ship sooner, but I need this schedule for my own sanity. Generally, I ship in a discreet manilla envelope. For US orders, you can choose "stamps" for cheap shipping and no tracking number, or "first class" for still-pretty-cheap shipping and a tracking number will be emailed to you. For international orders... I'm sorry international shipping sucks, I'm doing the best I can.

Missing order, missing item, etc.  I'm super sorry if this happened! I usually can't do refunds for stuff lost in the mail (this venture doesn't really make any money so my margins are nonexistent). But please email me and I can send a replacement or we'll figure something out.

Can I order for my library/classroom/coven?  Fuck yes! Email me if you want; I can often do discounts and/or zine donations.

Are you up for trade? Yes! Every zine in the store is up for trade as well as sale. Please email me with the zines you want and a bit about the zines you want to trade.

Do you take submissions?  Yes! I accept physical or digital copies for submission. Check out my submission page for more info on this: https://twentytwozines.bigcartel.com/submit-your-zines

Email me at [email protected] with any questions at all!