Unfair Maiden #5: The Out of Touch Thursday Issue
Unfair Maiden #5 is the fourth (yes, I did them out of order) issue of my perzine series about love, life, and the occult. Learn my darkest fears and secrets, then watch in amazement as I hastily try to cover them up with funny drawings!
Issue 5 includes a defense of Pinkie Pie, my new love of shoujo manga, a tarot reading for you, and a kick-you-in-the-butt essay about breaking into zinemaking. Plus more! It also contains the entirety of "I Want to Make a Zine Someday", which is also available as a separate issue.
Cover art a collaboration with my partner Sean :)
34 pages, Color, 8.5" x 5.5" (half letter).
I love trades! Please email me to arrange: [email protected]
Digital copies are available for free or donation! Check it out here: https://twentytwozines.itch.io/unfair-maiden-5