QTBIPOC Guide for staying Brown & Down


How to survive loving someone with (race/class/gender/sexuality...) Privilege

by Low!

This zine includes yeses and nos, relationship red flags, and resources for dating people with privilege to keep yourself safe, happy and strong when dating someone who doesn't live dealing with the same bullshit as you. It suggests boundaries to set for yourself, ways to maintain QTBIPOC community outside of your relationship, and how to remind yourself when it's not you, it's them.

It's also super fucking awesome because it's a collaborative zine! Art, stories, quotes, affirmations, and more throughout from super rad contributing QTBIPOC.

24 pages, B&W, 5.5" x 4.25" (long quarter size)

Everything in the distro is available for trades of all kinds! Please email me to arrange: [email protected]